O R D E R   H E R E            C O M M A N D E R   I C I

The Other Side of The Coin, by Author: David Bobiash
UPDATE Daily.  Today, a publishing company wants to publish my book: "The Other Side of The Coin". The book is based upon my real international business adventures.  Showing the navigating required for an international business to deal with corrupt corporations.  Showing how those syndicate crimes were conducted, and caused collapse of Grant Lumber bankruptcy, and the abandoned Grant Mansion, due to the upcoming television show on the same.  Some made suggestions that it would be a best seller and a possible movie.

Sports leagues and teams support crimes against others for sponsorship money.  It's true. The NFL, NBA, MLB, and many others like the Toronto Blue Jays, the Maple Leafs and Maple Leaf Entertainment, sports fans, Rogers and Rogers Sports Media, all have a growing hatred for Home Hardware and Canadian Tire. Story below.  They do not stand up for people affected by criminal activities.

  If you hate greed, crime, corruption, the please Donate.  Help to make the world a better place for you and me.


Understand, imagine a centipede with 100 legs.  The body of the centipede is Alliance International LLC, a global corporation. Home Hardware Stores LTD, is a collective whole and those stores only represent one leg of the hundred. Canadian Tire is another leg, Recochem, another, and so on. The legs support the actions of the body, even though the legs are independent from the other legs.  They all act in conjunction making mighty crimes powerful.


The disgraceful dark truth of your neighbourhood, Home Hardware Owners, and Canadian Tire Store Owners, and their head offices.

General topic:  My pipes are frozen underground, what can I do?

      Only "Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw", Thaws Frozen Pipes Safely *  

Woodsmans International would like to thank everyone for 32 great years of serving you.


PUBLIC  NOTICES - This money is yours.    Bigger than Brockovich settlement


Class Action Lawsuit - defendant: Home Hardware ( consumers plus vendor/suppliers )

Class Action Lawsuit - defendant: Canadian Tire ( consumers plus vendor/suppliers )



The disgraceful dark truth of your neighbourhood, Home Hardware Owners, and Canadian Tire Store Owners, and their head offices.


To Home Hardware and Canadian Tire and Alliance International and to Recochem.

Read the post that will appear on my website.

You all are guilty of your involvement in racketeering, fraud, insider trading, and influence peddling.

At least on of the above is guilty of numerous death threats.

Home Hardware caused the collapse and bankruptcy of Grant Lumber.

Home Hardware and all of you caused my calculated sales losses of three hundred million dollars of the past 20 years.

Alliance International and/or Home Hardware recently verified this by threatening me and my company with a law suit, proclaiming defamation of character, and slandering the name of Home Hardware, as shown below.

Andrew McCoomb (he/him) <[email protected]>
Re: Woodsmans International defamation of Home Hardware [NRFC-EDMRS.FID13849224]
[email protected] <[email protected]>
4/27/2023, 12:09pm
< < COPY START > >
We are litigation counsel to Home Hardware.


Our client has brought to our attention your emails sent to various Home Hardware dealers on April 20, 2023 with the subject line “Is Home Hardware Stores LTD filing for Bankruptcy?” In your email,
you include a link to your website at https://woodsmansinternational.com/homehardwarescrimes.htm.

Your website makes numerous false and defamatory statements about Home Hardware and certain of its former personnel, all of which appear to be designed to cause Home Hardware reputational damage as
part of your effort to recover alleged losses stemming from Home Hardware’s decision not to carry your Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw product.

In particular, you allege that Home Hardware has committed criminal acts, including insider trading, corruption, theft and fraud. You claim that Home Hardware and its stores are operating a “crime syndicate” and that Home Hardware “might have caused other vendor/suppliers to declare bankruptcy, or be nearly there without knowing Home Hardware Corruption is behind it.” The slanderous commentary is extensive and there is no need to identify every statement in this letter – the clear purpose of your website is to damage Home Hardware’s brand as a means of trying to intimidate the company into buying your product, which it has no obligation at law to do.

Home Hardware cannot allow you to continue this vindictive campaign of brand damage. The fact is that the company has done nothing to cause you any harm, and you need to move on from whatever you believe happened.

We require you to do the following

1. Cease and desist having any contact with any employees, agents, officers, directors or other people affiliated with Home Hardware or any of its stores; and

2. Permanently shut down any website(s) under your control referring to Home Hardware in any manner whatsoever.

If you fail to do either of (1) or (2) above, we expect to receive instructions forthwith to commence a legal action against you seeking the immediate cessation of all defamatory activity and damages on the highest possible scale.

Yours very truly,

Andrew McCoomb

< < COPY END > >

I replied requesting you to commence with legal action, stating that I will not buckle to the demands of your client.

Your client's failure to prosecute, and take legal action, is because your client, and those named herein, are guilty.

Furthermore: I have told your client, and those involved, both privately, and publicly, that the only way, that unless retribution is paid in the amount of my calculated losses, then the information will seminate continuously, until such occurs.

* NOTE *
My companies calculated losses, do not include losses incurred by your clients, influenced alliance partners, not in Canada, nor in the United States.

You all proudly boast, parading your companies, as respectable, and honourable, do right, businesses.

As of this date, July 6 2024, your actions suggest otherwise.

Fix it.


Readers: Email this to your family and friends, NOW.   Email your contacts now    Anarchy?   HERE'S  HOW


  Supporters Donate Here.

This is like David versus Goliath, or Rocky versus the Russian, but there are 4 Goliaths or 4 Russians against 1 Rocky.
Help Stop Corporate Greed, Fraud and Theft.  Corporations and individuals can donate here.


Remove if redemption occurs.


CBC News    Fraud, Racketeering, and Influence Peddling Charges pending for: Canadian Tire, Recochem, Alliance International/Home Hardware

Woodsmans International, the manufacturer of Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw, stated that charges are looming.

After 20 years of being bullied, the death threats, influence peddling, and insider trading, etc., negotiations for resolve will end June 28/2024.

Company owners agree that, "If successful, sponsorship advertising will cease, and trade market stocks will plummet rapidly."

Without any resolve, details will be turned over to Interpol and others, including the Securities and Exchange Commissioners

Company owners agree that, "If successful, sponsorship advertising will cease, and trade market stocks will plummet rapidly."

Watch for an upcoming Press Releases commencing July 1/2024




It works so you don't have to!  Simply pour it into the affected system.

Now go and do something you enjoy.


  O R D E R   H E R E            C O M M A N D E R   I C I

Woodsmans International would like to thank everyone for 30 great years of serving you.
Our Business Support Center, and our Custom Labelling, and our Printed Box Division are Now Open.  Business success is better with our knowledge!

CBC News    Apple Products Trigger Home Invasions   Apple Tech Support states IOS glitch
Apple was unable to repair, replace, or provide refund of its products - Apple declined comment.

Home Canadian Home Owner Alert FAQ Contact Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw

Retail Stores: Click here for ADD-ON SALES


Click here for:  RETAILER  SELL  SHEET


Consumers and Home Owners: Please contact your favorite retail store if they stock Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw which has this bar code:  4 58960 10004 7

If they do not stock Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw then please give them our telephone number: (905) 373-0237. We will gladly pay for UPS shipping for stores anywhere in North America.

That way Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw will be available to customers like yourself that have frozen water pipes, frozen sewer pipes, frozen septic pipes, and frozen drains. Thank you.


Retail Store Staff Educator; plus ADD-ON Sales Literature

Please read the applicable information on this page.  It is informative to everyone.  It will inform you on what you may need to thaw frozen pipes in various situations.  It will outline many of the tools and materials you may require prior to leaving a store before you begin your task of thawing or defrosting the frozen pipe you have. There are other links below dealing with more specific location frozen pipes.

It also educates you on the safe handling and uses for Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw.

General topic:  My pipes are frozen, what can I do?


The entire process to thawing your frozen pipe is to simply get enough Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw into your frozen drain, frozen water pipe, frozen sewer, or frozen septic pipes or frozen septic tank as soon as you can.  This will lessen the time it takes to thaw or defrost your frozen pipe and will greatly reduce the stresses caused from having a frozen pipe.




The first thing to do if your pipe is frozen is to determine which pipe is frozen and to read the appropriate link below for greater detail on how to thaw your pipe.


Most building have one water feed pipe or water supply line bring water into it, plus; one sewer pipe or septic line removing all of the waste water.  That means that one pipe ( the water supply line ) is generally full of water, while the sewer pipe or septic line or the sewage pipes are generally completely empty.


Their are safety hazards dealing with either the water feed or the sewage waste pipe.


With water pipes there is the possibility of water at high pressure, water spillage, water clean up, water damage, etc.  Safety glasses should always be worn whenever anyone is dealing with plumbing.  Since many of the frozen pipes are in either dirty locations or cold locations or both, be certain to have a good pair of work gloves on hand.


Here is a partial list of some of the tools that may be required to help you get your pipe thawed.

    1 - Safety glasses

    Safety glasses

    2 - Work gloves

Work gloves

    3 - a toilet plunger

a toilet plunger

    4 - a floor mop

a floor mop

    5 - a mop bucket

a mop bucket

    6 - cleaning clothes or rags

cleaning clothes or rags

    7 - a work light or flashlight

a work light or flashlight

    8 - a space heater, or, a heat lamp, or, a heat gun, or, a hair dryer, ( something to keep you warm or warm your hands )

a source of heat.  Eg: a space heater, a heat lamp, a heat gun or a hair dryer, etc.

    9 - a kneeling pad or knee pads

    9 - a kneeling pad or knee pads

   10 - hand sanitizer

hand sanitizer

   11 - a pipe wrench

a pipe wrench

   12 - channel lock pliers

channel lock pliers

   13 - open end wrenches

open end wrenches

   14 - a screw drivers

a screw drivers

   15 - a hand warmer

a hand warmers

   16 - tubing ( or hose )

tubing or hose

   17 - a funnel

 a funnel

   18 - etc, etc


You will not need ALL of these items and tools even though the list above seems rather large.  Once you select one of the links below you will see what items and tools are generally required for those more specific frozen pipes.


Let's begin;


The first step in using Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw is to invert the bottle and shake it vigorously for a minute or more just like you would shake a can of paint.  Now it is ready to be used.


It is always recommended when ever possible, that you safely warm Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw prior to pouring it into your frozen line or frozen pipe, regardless on which situation resembles your own.  Always remove the spill proof safety seal prior to warming Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw.  If you choose to warm Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw, then warm it with the safety seal removed and only warm it until it is nearly hot to the touch.  Warming Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw serves one or two purposes depending on your situation.


Since you will be pouring Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw inside of your pipe, the additional heat which is introduced into the pipe will assist Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw with thawing your frozen pipe sooner.


Warming Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw also means that for those who are working in a cold environment will have something nice and warm to warm up their hands.  This reduces the chance of injury and makes the task of thawing your pipe slightly less frustrating and cold.


My pipes are frozen underground what can I do?

Other topics with General Instruction include:How to thaw frozen water pipes underground

What can I do if my pipes freeze

Ask your favorite retailer for the worlds best and worry free septic treatment and cleaner available. Use Evergreen Septi-Clean™ by name.

What can I do if my water pipes frozen underground?      Click here - Clique ici

How to thaw frozen water pipes underground

What can I do if my drain pipes frozen underground?       Click here - Clique ici

How to thaw frozen drain pipes underground

What can I do if my sewer pipes frozen underground?     Click here - Clique ici

How to thaw frozen sewer pipes underground

What can I do if my septic pipe is frozen underground?     Click here - Clique ici

How to thaw frozen septic pipes underground

What can I do if my pipes are frozen underground?    Click here - Clique ici

What can I do if my septic tank is frozen underground

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How to thaw frozen pipes and conduit underground

If the store in your area doesn't stock it, have them call: (905) 373-0237 and we'll ship it to them.


"Liqui-Fire" is available in most stores of the participating banners.


BMR StoresHome Hardware - Do-It-Best Stores - ACE Hardware - RONA - Castle - Hardware Hank Stores - Pro-Hardware - Timber Mart Stores - TrueValue USA - CO-OP Stores - TrueValue Canada EMCO Plumbing & Heating Supplies - and many more.

 There are many other stores like Mercantile and Country Stores and Plumbing Supply Stores.

Woodsmans International pays for retail  UPS  standard ground shipping on all North American orders.

NOT  available  at  Canadian  Tire: Click here to read why?

NON  disponible  chez  Canadian  Tire:  Cliquez  ici  pour  lire  pourquoi?


Home Canadian Home Owner Alert FAQ Contact Liqui-Fire Pipe Thaw

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Last modified: 07/26/2024

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