Integrity?    Ethics?    Greed?    You be their judge.

December 23, 2017 - a couple weeks ago 200 McGuire Street had a provincial registered value of less than $308,000.00.

An honest man stands by his word.    This page is currently for sale for $20,000.00  2018 price is $25,000.00

free hits

My open letter to Ralph Moulton and Dale Bryant.  December 24, 2017

December 22, 2017

I had sent a Cease and Desist email to Dale Bryant of Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage, 1111 Elgin Street West, Cobourg, ON  K9A 5H7.

His response was to ignore my Cease and Desist email.  Instead he wanted to tell me how he *always* had my best interest at heart.  Ahhh, that's so sweet.  My thoughts on that?  Pure bullshit!!!  Dale Bryant had told my mortgage holder inside trading information.  He admitted it to me in a text message when I asked him about it.

See the date above.  The building became the legal registered property of Ralph Moulton's at a registered cost of under $308,000.00 a couple of weeks ago.

Below is an email I received last night from Ralph Moulton, Canadian Tire Dealer Polo Park 248 at 11:41pm December 21, 2017.

Dale Bryant, Royal LePage and 2 law firms and to the property owner and seller Ralph Moulton.

Ralph Moulton obtained ownership of the property about a week ago.  Snow was on the ground and has been since that time.  The front offices area is leased to a tattoo business and is a tenant of Ralph Moulton.

He was sent a copy of the email to Dale Bryant Royal LePage.

Here is my email which was sent Dale Bryant Royal LePage, and to Ralph Moulton a Canadian Tire Store Owner, and to two separate law firms.


Hi Guys.  I see you both are happy with your decisions to use photos of my previous listing along with my photos.  As a result of the choice you both made, I am using my knowledge and my email.

Paste my email with email addresses here.



Please contact   D a v i d    B o b i a s h,   if you have any questions at all regarding their professional conduct and behavior relevant to the ( FSCO ) The Financial Services Commission of Ontario, the Act, the law, and Fraud.

D a v i d    B o b i a s h

Cell:  ( 9 0 5 )   3 9 6 - 5 5 2 5

You might be as shocked as myself.

Thank you.


My open letter to Ralph Moulton and Dale Bryant.  December 24, 2017

Ralph Moulton and Dale Bryant.  Neither a suit nor a degree give a man honour, nor integrity.  In fact; some say that the nicer the suite, the less the integrity. You both have proven that saying to be true in my opinion.  Also Ralph, when you have contacted someone so many times that they decide not to answer your calls or text; having your son call is not very professional at all.  Just my opinion but I'm certain that professionals and business people would probably agree.

Ralph Moulton; although you may have a business degree there are some holes in your education.  Value is determined by the person owning said property.  EG: You state that my photos have no value!  If that is the case Ralph Moulton, then why use mine?  By your own decision to use my photos Ralph Moulton and you as well Dale Bryant, you both have placed value on them of which I myself alone decide what that value is.

Ralph Moulton you should have Dale Bryant do his job and take photos of the property that became yours 2 or 3 weeks ago which was registered to you for a cost of less than $308,000.00.  To me my photos and how they came to be are of value.  I made my point.

Dale Bryant; I remember what you said when you told me why bought a pick up truck with every whistle and bell on.  You stated that someone seeing you in a pickup is more likely to see you and trust you if they think you are an everyday kind of guy.  That information that you told me at 200 McGuire Street changed what I saw you to be.  Your using my photos and/or photos while you were under legal contract with me so that you can sell Ralph Moulton's property with that Tattoo business is a Dale Bryant moral that I'm certain others property owners may believe is immoral and unethical.  Possibly illegal but that courts decide that as well as the Real Estate Council of Ontario - RECO - 1 (416) 207-4800.

Since I am a little older than both of you and it appears possibly a wiser, then please feel free to contact me should either of you wish to learn about honour and integrity.

Had either of you asked me about using my photos prior to doing so without my permission; then possibly my permission would have been granted on one or more of my photos.  You stripped me of my freedom of choice.  I would have possibly been kind and understanding, even though you both gave me reason not to be kind.  Both Dale Bryant and yourself Ralph Moulton, tell me that my photos are not my property.  Ralph Moulton; you stated they are not worth anything yet you chose to use them for your own financial gain.

Therefore gentlemen; take me to court.  This page will remain online until I chose to remove it.

I also know that you both go to church.  Going to church doesn't fool God nor anyone.

Merry Christmas to you both.


Start of Dale Bryant Royal LePage and Ralph Moulton Canadian Tire

200 McGuire Street

200 McGuire Street

For Sale 200 McGuire Street

For Sale 200 McGuire Street

200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

For Sale 200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

For Sale 200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

Dale Bryant

Dale Bryant

200 McGuire Street Dale Bryant

200 McGuire Street Dale Bryant

Dale Bryant  Cobourg, ON

Dale Bryant  Cobourg, ON

Dale Bryant Profiles Facebook Dale Bryant

Dale Bryant Profiles Facebook Dale Bryant

Dale Bryant Professional Profile - LinkedIn

Dale Bryant Professional Profile - LinkedIn

Dale Bryant Listing for 200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

Dale Bryant Listing for 200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

Dale Bryant Royal LePage Listing for 200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

Dale Bryant Royal LePage Listing for 200 McGuire Street Cobourg ON

Dale Bryant of Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage, 1111 Elgin Street West, Cobourg, ON  K9A 5H7

Dale Bryant of Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage, 1111 Elgin Street West, Cobourg, ON  K9A 5H7

Ralph Moulton

Ralph Moulton

Ralph Moulton Profiles Facebook Ralph Moulton

Ralph Moulton Profiles Facebook Ralph Moulton

Ralph Moulton Professional Profile - LinkedIn

Ralph Moulton Professional Profile - LinkedIn

Ralph G. Moulton

Ralph G. Moulton

Ralph Moulton Cobourg ON

Ralph Moulton Cobourg ON

Ralph Moulton Northumberland ON

Ralph Moulton Northumberland ON

200 McGuire Street  Ralph Moulton

200 McGuire Street  Ralph Moulton

200 McGuire Street  Ralph Moulton  Canadian Tire Associate Dealer

200 McGuire Street  Ralph Moulton  Canadian Tire Associate Dealer

Ralph Moulton owner of Polo Park Canadian Tire

Ralph Moulton owner of Polo Park Canadian Tire

Ralph Moulton Canadian Tire Dealer Polo Park 248

Ralph Moulton Canadian Tire Dealer Polo Park 248

Ralph G. Moulton Canadian Tire Corp. #248

Ralph G. Moulton Canadian Tire Corp. #248

Ralph Moulton Polo Park Canadian Tire

Ralph Moulton Polo Park Canadian Tire

(204) 943-0311

(204) 943-0311

Fax (204) 772-7392

Fax (204) 772-7392

Polo Park Canadian Tire, 750 St James Street, Winnipeg, MB  R3G 3J7,  (204) 943-0311   Fax (204) 772-7392

Polo Park Canadian Tire, 750 St James Street, Winnipeg, MB  R3G 3J7,  (204) 943-0311   Fax (204) 772-7392

Referring Page to Dale Bryant Royal LePage and Ralph Moulton Canadian Tire Owner